Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Purifying Ourselves

2 Corinthians 7:1

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Greetings, My Beloved!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day! I praise God for the beauty of His creation - the singing birds outside my window, the bright and shining sun providing daylight, the bright blue skies with fluffy white clouds, the verdant green grass, trees, and plants. God certainly has an eye for beauty, and he created us! When He created us humans, He said it was good. That means God was pleased with the creation of each and every one of us. We were created in His image, and were fearfully and wonderfully made. However, as beautifully made as we are, sin enters our lives, and stains us as filthy rags. Yet God remains faithful, and will clean us up when we ask - but the key is to ask.

Last week I wrote about the beauty of repentance. How often do we fall into the trap of perfection, and don't see the blemishes all over us? I love this verse in 2 Corinthians 7:1, and have been pondering on it all week - purify[ing] ourselves from everything that contaminates [our] body and spirit, perfecting holiness [for the sake] out of reverence for [our] God. Doesn't God deserve so much more than filth?

I went shopping this weekend for the perfect dress to wear to the Crisis Pregnancy Banquet, but I didn't want to spend a lot of money on it. I went to the second hand shop - I have no shame shopping there, but I wanted to find the perfect dress, one without spot or blemish, and would fit me nicely. I didn't find one, and ended up getting a new dress. But when we are shopping for clothes, are we quick to buy the one with the big rip or stain down the front of it? No, but God purchased us with the greatest sacrifice, His son, when we were still blemished. He saw the beauty in what we could be. Why? Because He was the one that created us. He knew our value once we were cleaned up, so why don't we long to remain holy, spotless, and pure? The verse says "perfecting holiness out of reverence from God." The word reverence here actually is the Greek word for fear: "phobos." This is a reverent fear. The definition includes "reverence for one's husband." It is a form of love - loving God so much, as your husband, that you want nothing more than to please Him. Not because you are afraid of Him, but because you respect Him, you revere Him. I think a lot of times we forget that, we live our daily lives caught up in the chaos of our day, that we forget that the God that created the universe wants nothing more than to spend time with us. It is falling in love so deeply with God, that it becomes more than a word or a song. It becomes a devotion, an action.

When I first met my husband in person, I was so nervous. I wanted to look my best. I chose my favorite outfit to wear, fixed my hair, and put on my makeup, presenting the best of myself to him. Isn't that what we should do for God, cleaning ourselves up so that way when our Bridegroom comes we are ready to present the best of ourselves before Him?

So, I encourage you to seek deep inside yourself for the deepest, darkest, most hidden spot of sin to present before our savior to cleanse out of us. I want to be that bride that is spotless and blameless for the day of Christ!
- Christina


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