Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should...

1 Corinthians 10:23-24
"I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

Greetings my Beloved!

I trust you are having a most excellent week. My week has been filled with so much busyness. We have been preparing for our son's birthday ceremony, I've been taking my dear friend back and forth from MD Anderson for treatments, and I have been doing my daily work. You would think with all that is going on I would be exhausted, and I am. However, I can't wait for the ceremony, I love being a blessing to others, and I was able to share Christ's love with someone this week. What more can a girl ask for? However, I am exhausted, and I can't help but think, "Am I missing something?" Can you be exhausted and miss out on the greatest things in life?

This verse really stuck out to me during one of our devotion times this week. Basically it is saying anything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. In other words, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." One of the hardest things I have a problem with is saying the word, "No." Surely I can do everything that I want to at 100%. But then I get the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion, and it makes me wonder - should I be doing all of this? Did God call me to do all of this, and if not, am I missing something that He has called me to do? The last thing I want is to be too busy to do the work of the Lord. He has called each of us to serve Him, but are we serving Him with all of our heart, or are we giving God the leftovers? When I was a kid, we used to watch this Christian children's television program, where they would give little devotionals with illustrations. I will never forget the illustration they gave regarding putting God first. They had a jar, dry beans, and 3 golf balls glued together. The jar represented us, the beans all of our daily activities, the 3 golf balls represented God. When you fill your life with all of your daily activities, and then try to fit God into your life - he doesn't fit. When you put God in first, then the rest of your activities fill in nicely and everything fits.

Let us do some self examining today. Have we forgotten God in the chaos of our days? If we continually fill ourselves up with God, doesn't it make life more fulfilling? Let us enter into His presence and worship our Lord - maker of the heavens and earth! My husband and I went to Armand Bayou Nature Center last weekend, and enjoyed reading about the different birds. It is amazing to think that God just spoke them into being, but yet thought about the intricacies that make them work, like the hollow bones so they can fly, the different shapes of beaks depending on their diet, the different types of feet depending on if they are walkers, climbers, or runners. God even thought about the intricacies of creating you. He knows what works in each of us, and what doesn't. That is what makes Him the Greatest Physician. Let us worship our Creator today!


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